Farming Simulator 19
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FS19: Карта Felsbrunn Conversion – Multiplayer Capable V2.0
Стань современным фермером! Выращивай урожай, разводи скот, расширяй угодья и модернизируй свою ферму. Устанавливай этот мод Felsbrunn Conversion – Multiplayer Capable V2.0 для FS19 и сделай свою ферму успешной как никогда!

Farming Simulator 19


Modell: GiantsTextur: Giants, PsieCoreScript: Giants, PsieCoreIdee / Konzept: Giants, PsieCoreTester: PsieCore



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Сделай свой геймплей в новой версии Farming Smulator еще более интересным и разнообразным с помощью этой модификации Felsbrunn Conversion – Multiplayer Capable V2.0. Выращивай урожай, разводи скот и расширяй свои владения.

Оригинальное описание: I got the card from a friend who found the yard remodeling of “bigshogun” great with the request to build him an area for shelters at field 10.
Version 2.0 All animal husbandry installed and yard redesigned
– New main courtyard with cows, horses and chickens
– Sheep pasture and pig pens placed
When I started I could not stop and just rebuilt a bit further.
Have created a new parking space with shelters and filling stations in field 10 which was fitted into the landscape. At the top of fields 4 and 5 (which are not owned at the beginning) I have created a contractor farm with two large halls, two shelters, workshop, laundry and gas station.
(If you do not play the contractor yard in the multiplayer you have to edit the savegame the items.xml and adjust the index of the placed buildings to the other player as otherwise he can not open the gates etc. Unfortunately, there is no other way to do it thanks to Giants since all placed things are assigned to the first player at the beginning)
Furthermore, I have built in small gimmicks like hidden old cars and a construction site that makes a side street impassable
Much of the trees and decoration on the side of the road and field margin has been added because the map was just in some places to “empty” looked.
I hope one or the other likes the map and he has a little fun

Как установить этот мод: скачай и перенеси архив с модом в папку Мои Документы/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods

Важно помнить, что моды работают только в ZIP-архивах. Если же скачанный архив в другом формате (к примеру RAR) — значит внутри него скорее всего один или несколько ZIP-архивов, которые нужно извлечь (как правило это касается модов карт и паков модов).

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