Farming Simulator 19
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FS19: Карта Hofbrunn Map V1.4
Стань современным фермером! Выращивай урожай, разводи скот, расширяй угодья и модернизируй свою ферму. Устанавливай этот мод Hofbrunn Map V1.4 для FS19 и сделай свою ферму успешной как никогда!

Farming Simulator 19


Ein Dankeschön geht an-Reitplatz: Giants and pascal_dmbs-Wohnwagen: Wippman-Fahrzeughallen: VertexDezign Niggels-Füllstationen: Rene/anthu-Multisilo: Pandahma-Strohlager: Hasco-Tankstelle: VertexDezign Niggels



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Сделай свой геймплей в новой версии Farming Smulator еще более интересным и разнообразным с помощью этой модификации Hofbrunn Map V1.4. Выращивай урожай, разводи скот и расширяй свои владения.

Оригинальное описание: Hello everybody,
Version 1.4
Lighting in pigs and sheep added
Added new straw storage
-Textures and terrain revised
-BGA prices adjusted
-Internal mods completely revised
Shop items completely revised
Log errors and general fixes
-Undichtes silo at Kuhstall remains leaking for now (a bug on the part of Giants)
I would like to introduce you to my modified map of Felsbrunn. Hofbrunn … (gäähn … This is not a savegame but a created in the editor, or edited map. Well, a Modmap from Felsbrunn more on Modhoster, I know … But it’s worth it. For what? Because it was processed with attention to detail, because it provides a huge starting equipment on machines, because already at the beginning 4 stalls are, because everything is perfectly central in the area and is efficient to reach and because a well-designed or converted map but still represents something other than a thing done with the landscaping possibilities in the game. Mainly it is about the entire court yard of Felsbrunn, or new of course Hofbrunn … This I have usefully rebuilt and enlarged accordingly and modeled beautifully in detail to the site. The farm has 4 stables (cows, sheep, pigs and horses), own yard garage, washing area, various filling tanks, silos and much more. Please look at the pictures. Regarding the starting equipment, I would like to refer to the specially created video.
At this point I would also like to thank the following modders for the provided mods, which I have used for this purpose. Without them, a conversion would have been only half as cool. Thanks to:
Rode: Giants and pascal_dmbs, verse 1
-Multisilo: Pandahma, verse 1.2
Gas station: VertexDezign Niggels, verse 1
Filling stations: Rene / anthu, verse 1.2
Setting Halls: VertexDezign Niggels, verse 1
Understanding: TomLsMods, verse 2
(If some of these mods have already been installed, please disable them in the game, otherwise they’ll pop up twice in the shop)
The map has been tested. The log is of course error-free. Any errors are constantly being worked on, so the most recent download version is always recommended or replaced accordingly. Well, then it will be released now
Have fun, CJFarming

Как установить этот мод: скачай и перенеси архив с модом в папку Мои Документы/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods

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