Farming Simulator 19
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FS19: Карта Ravenport Proper V1.0
Стань современным фермером! Выращивай урожай, разводи скот, расширяй угодья и модернизируй свою ферму. Устанавливай этот мод Ravenport Proper V1.0 для FS19 и сделай свою ферму успешной как никогда!

Farming Simulator 19





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Сделай свой геймплей в новой версии Farming Smulator еще более интересным и разнообразным с помощью этой модификации Ravenport Proper V1.0. Выращивай урожай, разводи скот и расширяй свои владения.

Оригинальное описание: Hi. This is my first ever published map, been playing FS from 13 onward. In previous games i always felt EU maps were better, but this time around, US map Ravenport is absolutely fantastic. Not however ingame placeable system, which is a pain in the ***. So i decided to edit the map the way i want it, place it down how i see it and edit the terrain.
What i hated from previous versions is you had animal sheds too far away from your farm, and that was always my main goal, to have everything on my farm.
What you will find in my edited map
-Large cow pasture
-Large sheep pasture
-Small horse pasture
-Small chicken coop.
-NO PIGS. (I may edit and add them in the future, its just i dont like them in game.)
Other things:
-Fuel station
-Water station(hidrant)
-An old barn + 3 sheds(one with functioning doors) A shed where is a trailer is useful for storing root crop(potatoes, sugar beets..)
-Bunker silo(small)
-Storage silo(small)
-Jager Hut
-Extended Hay loft(Allows grass, silage, woodchips + default hay, straw storage with increased capacity)
I’ve used stuff from following mods from this site:
-Extended hay loft
-Jager Hut
-Fuel station
-Water station(hidrant)
-Placable buildings
-Farm pack
ALL CREDITS to their respective owners, i thank you myself!
**INSTALL= UNZIP the whole file in your mods folder! If you have mods installed with a name like in the file, change your mod name.
*New farmer mode gives you my edit. If you want hovewer my placements and vehicles in “Farm Manager” and “Start from scratch” mode, just edit defaultFarmProperty=”true” to defaultFarmProperty=”false” in defaultItems.xml and defaultVehicles.xml in Ravenport_PROPER map. Use Notepad++ for this to do it instantly.

Как установить этот мод: скачай и перенеси архив с модом в папку Мои Документы/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods

Важно помнить, что моды работают только в ZIP-архивах. Если же скачанный архив в другом формате (к примеру RAR) — значит внутри него скорее всего один или несколько ZIP-архивов, которые нужно извлечь (как правило это касается модов карт и паков модов).

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