Сделай свой геймплей в новой версии Farming Smulator еще более интересным и разнообразным с помощью этой модификации Westbridge Hill V3.0. Выращивай урожай, разводи скот и расширяй свои владения.
Оригинальное описание: FS19 WBH BY JG82 V3.0 FINAL VERSION
I present Version 3.0 of the map. This is the last version I will do for this map. Modifications: It is modified again the farmland for those who want to buy the whole map can do it, it has solved problems in the appearance of vehicles that lend us in the missions of neighboring fields (no longer appear stuck in the floor of the store) and transportation missions have been introduced. I hope you like this final version.
Types of silos on the map:
– Main silo
– Silo of potatoes and beetroot
– Silos of liquid and solid Fertilizer
– Silos for seeds
– Silos for herbicides
The animals are already placed on the map, and each area is fully adapted to the needs of the animals (water tank, straw and hay silo, pressure washer, garage)
Types of animal farms:
– Cows, sheep, pigs, chickens and horses (the animal farms are the big ones of the original game)
On the map you start with 2 fields in property and with more or less balanced machinery taking into account the fields of the beginning and their dimensions. IF YOU FIND ERRORS, DO NOT HESITATE TO DECIDE ON THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL (Juande Gamer82). I hope you like the map.
Важно помнить, что моды работают только в ZIP-архивах. Если же скачанный архив в другом формате (к примеру RAR) — значит внутри него скорее всего один или несколько ZIP-архивов, которые нужно извлечь (как правило это касается модов карт и паков модов).
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